MathGroup Archive 2010

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Re: space between Output cels

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109539] Re: space between Output cels
  • From: Larry Adelston <larrya at>
  • Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 06:29:53 -0400 (EDT)

Yes, there are probably several ways to accomplish your objectives.  
First, you need to edit the style definition for Output. The option  
that controls the spacing above and below (as well as left and right)  
is called CellMargins. And the option for setting a background color  
is called Background. These are the options you will need to work  
with. There may be other options that can assist you. But CellMargins  
and Background are the basic building blocks.

On May 3, 2010, at 5:12 AM, fizzy wrote:

> I came across a Notebook, from a Mathematica textbook,  that I really
> has a nice background color, etc. which makes it easier to  
> see
> what I'm doing....however...when you have multiple lines of code in an
> Input cell , e.g. 2, the first output Cell is contiguous with the  
> Input
> cell....however, the next Output cell is about an 1/8 th of an inch
> below the previous Output cell...also between them is the Notebook's
> Background color...I dont like there a way to either (or
> both)
> (1)  change the spacing between the Output cells or make them
> contiguous....
> (2)  change the background color between the Output cells ,
> say, white...
> thanks....Jerry Blimbaum

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