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Problem in Mathematica 7

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109970] Problem in Mathematica 7
  • From: "Miguel Galrinho" <miguel at>
  • Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 06:42:45 -0400 (EDT)

Dear sirs,


I'm working on a Mathematica notebook and package that ran well in
Mathematica 5.2. I've made the necessary changes to make it work in
Mathematica 7, but there is a problem that I can't solve, and I'd like to
get some help.


When I try to run the package by writing Needs['name of the file'],
Mathematica detects the .nb file and the packages that are asked to begin.
The code in the .nb file begins like this:


BeginPackage["OrbMechTK`OrbMechTK`", {"Units`", "Splines`", "Notation`",


However, everything seems to stop loading there, because the help files and
functions in my package ("OrbMechTK") still don't work. Then, when I type
"Needs" again, for the second time, more things load and work, but other
things don't. For example, the help files in my package work, but not the


But things get stranger when I run all the initialization cells in my
notebook file instead of typing Needs or <<. In this case, everything loads
and works, including the functions.


So, everything is ok with the code, because it works if I load the cells in
the notebook, but they don't work if I try loading them with Needs or <<,
and in this case the number of things that work depend on the number of
times that I type "Needs", as I explain before.


Does anyone have any idea why this happens and how to solve it? Thank you.


If this is not the correct e-mail to ask this, I'd like to know where should
I send this e-mail, please.


Best regards,


Miguel Galrinho


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