Re: LabelPlot: Changing size of CurveLabel
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg120675] Re: LabelPlot: Changing size of CurveLabel
- From: Heike Gramberg <heike.gramberg at>
- Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 07:07:24 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to:
- References: <>
If you remove the ToString[]'s from the definitions of LabelPlot you can use Style to change the style of the labels, i.e. Clear[LabelPlot] LabelPlot[func_List, {var_, varmin_, varmax_}, opts___?OptionQ] := Module[{crvlbl, pltopts, funclis, txt, tt, aa, f}, crvlbl = CurveLabel /. {opts} /. CurveLabel -> None; pltopts = Select[{opts}, #[[1]] =!= CurveLabel &]; funclis = Table[f[i][tt_] = If[Head[func[[i]]] === Symbol && func[[i]] =!= var, func[[i]][tt], func[[i]] /. var -> tt], {i, Length[func]}]; txt = Table[ If[Head[crvlbl[[i]]] === List, Text[StyleForm[crvlbl[[i, 1]], Background -> GrayLevel[.95], FontSize -> 10], {aa[i] = crvlbl[[i, 2]] (varmax - varmin), f[i][aa[i]]}, {0, -1}], Text[StyleForm[crvlbl[[i]], Background -> GrayLevel[.95], FontSize -> 10], {aa[i] = (varmax - varmin)/2, f[i][aa[i]]}, {0, -1}]], {i, Length[crvlbl]}]; Plot[Evaluate[Table[f[i][rr], {i, Length[func]}]], {rr, varmin, varmax}, Epilog -> txt, Evaluate[pltopts]] ]; LabelPlot[func_, {var_, varmin_, varmax_}, opts___?OptionQ] := Module[{crvlbl, pltopts, f1, txt, tt, aa}, crvlbl = CurveLabel /. {opts} /. CurveLabel -> None; pltopts = Select[{opts}, #[[1]] =!= CurveLabel &]; f1[tt_] = If[Head[func] === Symbol && func =!= var, func[tt], func /. var -> tt]; txt = If[Head[crvlbl] === List, Text[StyleForm[crvlbl[[1]], Background -> GrayLevel[0.95], FontSize -> 10], {aa = crvlbl[[2]] (varmax - varmin), f1[aa]}, {0, -1}], Text[StyleForm[crvlbl, Background -> GrayLevel[0.95], FontSize -> 10], {aa = (varmax - varmin)/2, f1[aa]}, {0, -1}]]; Plot[f1[tt], {tt, varmin, varmax}, Epilog -> txt, Evaluate[pltopts]] ] myplt3 = LabelPlot[{Sin[x], Cos[2 x]/3}, {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]}, PlotStyle -> {Hue[.95], Hue[.7]}, CurveLabel -> { {Style[f1[t], 20, Orange, Background -> LightOrange], 3/4}, Style[f2[t], 14, Blue]}, PlotRange -> {{0, 2 \[Pi]}, {-1, 1}}] Heike On 2 Aug 2011, at 12:13, paulvonhippel at yahoo wrote: > Have you used the user-defined LabelPlot function? It's pretty cool: > > But how do I change the size of the font used to display the labels in > the CurveLabel option? >
- References:
- LabelPlot: Changing size of CurveLabel
- From: paulvonhippel at yahoo <>
- LabelPlot: Changing size of CurveLabel