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Re: Textbook recommendation?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120786] Re: Textbook recommendation?
  • From: "McHale, Paul" <Paul.McHale at>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 06:45:51 -0400 (EDT)
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I don't know what you want to do with Mathematica, So I will assume you have general interest in first use.

The Beginner's Guide to Mathematica 4, Jerry Glynn & Theodore Gray
Good beginner information about general use and why they did some of the things they did.

Mathematica Navigator: Mathematics, Statistics and Graphics, Third Edition by Heikki Ruskeepaa
Excellent book on howto for just about everything.  Essential reference book.

Mathematica=AE: A Problem-Centered Approach (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) by Roozbeh Hazrat
Great book with problem and exercise approach.  I think it definitely reinforces the easiest way to program with Mathematica.  Think more mathematically and less algorithmically.

An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica=AE by Paul R. Wellin, Richard J. Gaylord and Samuel N. Kamin
Excellent book.  Covers Mathematica as a programming language with some great exercises.

I think these are excellent books.  I have more and have learned something from every one of them.  The bottom three books are the ones I would be least willing to part with.  If damaged, I would buy them again.

Paul McHale  |  Electrical Engineer, Energetics Systems  |  Excelitas Technologies Corp.

Phone:   +1 937.865.3004   |   Fax:  +1 937.865.5170   |   Mobile:   +1 937.371.2828
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Paul.McHale at

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-----Original Message-----
From: DaleJenk [mailto:dale.jenkins8 at]
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 7:17 AM
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg120786] Textbook recommendation?

Can anyone recommend a good textbook to learn Mathematica (version 7)?

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