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I want to Manipulate the physical world!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120880] I want to Manipulate the physical world!
  • From: Fonseca <public at>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 08:13:39 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:


On my search for information on the lattice-Boltzmann method, I
stumble upon a software called Algodoo (old Phun).

It's a nice piece of educational software, and I kind of envy it for
the fact that I cannot have this interactivity on a Mathematica
manipulator. Of course, this is a very specific and dedicated piece of
software, and Mathematica is a generic can do everything kind of
software, but, well, you have to admit, it is an extraordinary piece
of software that would fit very nice in Mathematica capabilities.

So I was wondering if we would someday be able to play in Mathematica
as nice as is possible in Algodoo. It kind of puts some of the 7000
existing "demonstrations" in second plane doesn't it? (playing with
real-time fluid dynamics, automatic linking system, planetary
simulations, etc, and all, literally, at the tip of your fingers...).

Would you also want to be able to "manipulate" the physical world like
this, and at the same time completely integrated on our Mathematica?
Would some of this features fit well in the future of Mathematica easy
to use automatic and integrated system?

What do you think?

P. Fonseca

P.S. Congratulations to WR on the incredible new integration of CDF on
the wolfram|Alpha site.

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