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lattice-Boltzmann method for 2D cfd

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120878] lattice-Boltzmann method for 2D cfd
  • From: Fonseca <public at>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 08:13:17 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:


I'll need to simulate transient flow of free surface water on a
prismatic channel.

I'm looking for models on both 1D and 2D. There are a lot of free and
commercial software available that do exactly what I want: the time
simulation of the transient effect (basically a water wave) along the
channel and with the possibility of interconnecting different channels
in a network system. Nevertheless, I want to really learn how it's
done, and, based on my personal experience, the only way to really
learn the works of such a system, is to do it our self (at least the
basic part of it -> no intention on building a complete cfd software
from scratch, or at least, not for now...).

I've some experience with the simulation of pipe water hammer, and the
1D free surface solution is basically equivalent.

But this time I wanted to try something different. I've been looking
into the different possibilities, and was wondering if a lattice-
Boltzmann method was a good start (in 2D). For what I've seen, it's
not too hard to program (for a free surface system, seems much simpler
to program than a FEM or a FVM), and, from what I could understand, it
can correctly simulate my scenario..

I was wondering if any of you in this forum has any opinion on the
subject, that can guide me in the task, or knows of a simple piece of
code on the subject, from which I could analyze the basic structure.

thank you,
P. Fonseca

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