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Cataloging apps for Finder files? (Mathematica notebooks especially)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120907] Cataloging apps for Finder files? (Mathematica notebooks especially)
  • From: AES <siegman at>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 20:20:31 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

Can anyone suggest a Mac OS X cataloging app that can easily create 
multiple catalogs of selected Finder files ("FFiles" from here on) and 
assist in their management -- with specific reference to catloging 
Mathematica .nb notebook files distributed here and there on a Mac HD?

By "catalogs" I mean separate, named document files (or database 
files, if you wish), which can be opened and edited by this cataloging 
app, and each of which contains lists of selected FFiles and data 
about these FFiles as entries.

By "FFile management* I mean the ability to do tasks like:

*  Add additional FFiles as entries in any catalog (preferably by drag 
and drop).

*  Add supplemental info about each entry in the catalog (and 
preferably have this info be added as metadata to the FFile itself).

*  Do usual sorting tasks within each catalog, on multiple fields 
within the entries.

*  Build and export or print selected lists of the FFile entries in 
the catalog.

*  Jump directly from an entry in the catalog itself to the FFile 
associated with it ("Find in Finder"), or Open that FFile in its own 

Plus other useful tasks, like rename (and batch rename) FFiles, or 
Move or Copy associated FFiles, directly within the catalog; find 
duplicates or missing entries; and so on.

Existing cataloging apps I know about that can do some of these tasks: 

*  iView Media Pro or PhaseOne Media Pro:  Does a superb job of all of 
these management tasks; can actually be used for .nb files also, but 
really designed mostly for image files.

*  EndNote: Really a bibliographic database, doesn't do most of the 
above -- but if you have a PDF FFile of a cataloged article on your 
HD, an associated catalog entry has a field that can you open that PDF 

Existing cataloging apps I know about but am not interested in:  

*  Bento [doesn't create separate catalog document files]; 

*  Filemaker Pro:  I don't believe it can do most of the management 
tasks listed above (???).

*  Excel, Numbers, or other spreadsheets [often used as cataloging 
apps, but not designed for this task, and lousy at it].

Any suggestions appreciated.

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