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Fast vs. Slow NonlinearModelFit models

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123817] Fast vs. Slow NonlinearModelFit models
  • From: "Dan O'Brien" <danobrie at>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 06:52:34 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:


I'm wondering if anyone has a suggestion for speeding up the 
NonlinearModelFit computation for model2 below.  The model used to fit 
my experimental data can be a simple complex function who's magnitude 
squared is a lorentzian (model1), or, some may argue a more complete 
model is the same function convolved with a gaussian which gives a 
function that involves the complementary error function (model2), the 
Voigt profile.  As indicated below with AbsoluteTiming using these two 
different models show VERY different computational times.  I imagine it 
has something to do with mathematica's internal implementation of Erfc

In[1]:= $Version
(*Lorentzian Lineshape*)
\[Chi]R[\[Omega]_, {A_, \[Phi]A_, \[CapitalGamma]_, \[Omega]v_}] := (
   A E^(I \[Phi]A))/(-(\[Omega] - \[Omega]v) - I \[CapitalGamma]);

(*Voigt Lineshape*)
z[\[Sigma]_, \[CapitalGamma]_, \[Omega]v_, \[Omega]_] := (\[Omega] - \
\[Omega]v + I \[CapitalGamma])/(Sqrt[2] \[Sigma])
FadeevaF[z_] := Exp[-z^2] Erfc[-I z]
IH\[Chi]R[\[Omega]_, {\[Sigma]_,
    A_, \[Phi]A_, \[CapitalGamma]_, \[Omega]v_}] :=
  I Sqrt[\[Pi]/2] (
   A E^(I \[Phi]A))/\[Sigma]  FadeevaF[
    z[\[Sigma], \[CapitalGamma], \[Omega]v, \[Omega]]]
(*Redefine functions so A is peak amplitude of the function magnitude \
A\[Chi]R[\[Omega]_, {\[Sigma]_,
    A_, \[Phi]A_, \[CapitalGamma]_, \[Omega]v_}] := \[Chi]R[ \[Omega], \
{Sqrt[Abs[A]] Abs[\[CapitalGamma]], \[Phi]A,
    Abs[\[CapitalGamma]], \[Omega]v}]
AIH\[Chi]R[\[Omega]_, {\[Sigma]_,
    A_, \[Phi]A_, \[CapitalGamma]_, \[Omega]v_}] :=
  IH\[Chi]R[\[Omega], {\[Sigma], (
    Sqrt[Abs[A]] E^(-(1/2) \[CapitalGamma]^2/\[Sigma]^2) Sqrt[2/\[Pi]]
     Sqrt[2] Abs[\[Sigma]])], \[Phi]A, \[CapitalGamma], \[Omega]v}]
(*Generate data with noise*)
dataplot =
  ListPlot[data =
      Abs[AIH\[Chi]R[\[Omega], {4, 1.1, 0, 2.1, 0}] +
         AIH\[Chi]R[\[Omega], {4, .6, \[Pi], 2.1, 18}]]^2 +
       RandomReal[{-0.05, 0.05}]}, {\[Omega], -30, 50, .5}],
   Joined -> True]
model1 = Abs[
     A\[Chi]R[#, {4, a1, 0, \[CapitalGamma]1, \[Omega]vo1}] +
      A\[Chi]R[#, {4, a2, \[Pi], \[CapitalGamma]2, \[Omega]vo2}]]^2 &;
model2 =
   Abs[AIH\[Chi]R[#, {4, a1, 0, \[CapitalGamma]1, \[Omega]vo1}] +
      AIH\[Chi]R[#, {4, a2, \[Pi], \[CapitalGamma]2, \[Omega]vo2}]]^2 &;

   mod1 = NonlinearModelFit[data,
     model1[\[Omega]], {{a1, 1}, {\[CapitalGamma]1, 2}, {\[Omega]vo1,
       1}, {a2, .8}, {\[CapitalGamma]2, 2}, {\[Omega]vo2,
       15}}, \[Omega]]][[1]]
   mod2 = NonlinearModelFit[data,
     model2[\[Omega]], {{a1, 1}, {\[CapitalGamma]1, 2}, {\[Omega]vo1,
       1}, {a2, .8}, {\[CapitalGamma]2, 2}, {\[Omega]vo2,
       15}}, \[Omega]]][[1]]

     Normal[mod2[\[Omega]]]}, {\[Omega], -30, 50}]}]

Out[1]= "8.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (October 6, 2011)"

Out[8]=****Plot Snipped

Out[11]= 0.0390625 *Here is AbsoluteTiming for model1*

Out[12]= 75.0078125 *Here is AbsoluteTiming for model2*

Out[13]=****Plot Snipped

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