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Re: Another point about Mathematica 8.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116511] Re: Another point about Mathematica 8.0
  • From: P_ter <petervansummeren at>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 05:20:59 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <iiten7$jl5$> <ij0e3s$992$> <ijg5p4$91i$>

My point is that giving out a license also has its obligations.
One is communications with the license users.
E.g., Microsoft tells when it does not support an operating system a
long way before.
One gets first a hint, then a small article etc. Such traject takes a
year at least.
It is also clear about the platform. I know of users which were helped
in this case.

If a business does not honor such obligation, it must go for the
always new users.
This has consequences which even Hegel foresaw: in a night a whole
industry can
disappear. Maybe now Nokia, tomorrow another. Germany is the example
long standing customer relations.
I did not consider Mathematica as a gadget (a get shit). That is my
A tool to build a business and to invest for it.
But, if there is no communication, I am forced to the contrary.  I
take my loss.
The gadget view, the miles ahead way, does not play in many fields.
Only trust,
continuity, communication.

I thank everyone for its reaction. I can use it.
So, as I have nothing new to add to this topic, I will not contribute
to this topic anymore.

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