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Export problem on complicated parametric Animate - solution

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg115252] Export problem on complicated parametric Animate - solution
  • From: Canopus56 <canopus56 at>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 05:47:01 -0500 (EST)

With respect to my 12-22-2010 post,  the following are my notes on animating complicated multiple parametric equations. I am not an expert user, but here is the resolution that I came up with. The key code sample, Listing 1 below, is under the topic "AVI" in the Documentation Center. 

The crux move is that you create a table of individual graphics of each frame and assign that table to a variable with a list.  See Listing 2 (example for animating a point) and Listing 3 (example of three parametric plots simultaneous plotted on the same graph). 

The table can be quite extensive, e.g. the image table might contain 200 individual frames.  

Note in the Table function, you have to set the ImageSize manual, e.g. ImageSize -> 512. 

Let's say you assign that table of individual graphs to variable "MyPlot".  Then you can pipe that table to the Export command to make an avi animation: 

Export["MyAnimatedPlot.avi", MyPlot]  yields 256kb
Export["MyAnimatedPlot.avi", MyPlot]  yields 270Mb

I was unable to get control of the export frame rate by this method.  With the animated gif method, I am currently using other graphics software to adjust the frame rate. 

For your Export statement, set that cell's property to "not evaluatable."  That setting will prevent a new animation from generating a new animation every time you open and intialize the notebook. Toggle the cell property of the Export statement to make the cell "evaluatable" whenever you want to generate a revised animation. 

Hope that helps. - Kurt 


Listing 1 - Wolfram code example under topic AVI


   First[CellularAutomaton[{746, {2, {{2, 2, 2}, {2, 1, 2}, {2, 2, 
         2}}}, {1, 1}}, {{{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}, 0}, x, -1]], 
   ImageSize -> 128, Frame -> False, 
   ColorRules -> {1 -> Hue[x/400], 0 -> White}], {x, 10, 400, 10}]]


Listing 2 - Example of animating a point from a list to animated gif

MarsExport = 
 Table[Graphics[{PointSize[0.04], Red, Point[lstOrtho[[i]]]}, 
   ImageSize -> 512, PlotRange -> {{-3, 3}, {-3, 3}}, 
   Background -> Darker[Gray], Axes -> True, 
   AxesStyle -> {White, White}, 
   LabelStyle -> {White, (FontFamily -> "Helvetica")}, 
   PlotLabel -> "Mars Apparent 1-2010 7-2018 JPL"], {i, 1, 

Export["MarsActualPlot.gif", MarsExport]


Listing 3 - Example of animating a multiple parametric plot

CopernicusExport = 
 Table[ParametricPlot[{{auEar*Cos[(t + \[Theta])/tyEar], 
     auEar*Sin[(t + \[Theta])/tyEar]}, {auMars*
      Cos[(t + \[Theta])/tyMars], 
     auMars*Sin[(t + \[Theta])/tyMars]}, {auJup*
      Cos[(t + \[Theta])/tyJup], 
     auJup*Sin[(t + \[Theta])/tyJup]}}, {t, 0, 0.6} , 
   ImageSize -> 512, Background -> Darker[Gray], 
   AxesStyle -> {White, White}, 
   LabelStyle -> {White, (FontFamily -> "Helvetica")}, 
   PlotStyle -> {{Green, Thick}, {Red, Thick}, {Orange, Thick}},  
   PlotLabel -> "Three Planet Appar, Motions", 
   PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", 
   PlotRange -> {{-7, 7}, {-7, 7}}], {\[Theta], 0, 

Export["CopernicusExport.gif", CopernicusExport]

Export["CopernicusExport.avi", CopernicusExport]


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