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The new (v.8.0) distribution plots using a numerical or date labeled X-axis

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg115736] The new (v.8.0) distribution plots using a numerical or date labeled X-axis
  • From: Mac <mwjdavidson at>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 05:29:30 -0500 (EST)

Statistical visualisation of data has improved dramatically in v 8.0
and provide a very useful way of summarising statistical uncertainty
in measurements or simulations. I've been particularly impressed with
the types of graphs that can be produced using the BoxWhiskerChart[]
or DistributionChart[] functions.

Unfortunately I've been frustrated with the lack of support of these
functions for typical plots of time series or variables which have
either a numerical or date X-axis. Imagine for instance that you would
like to plot the distribution of temperatures within a 24 period and
plot these either in terms of date and/or day of the year, and going
further compare these to another time series of measurements. It is
not possible to specify an X-coordinate for each BoxWisker or

In short, what I would like to achieve is something like this

data = Table[RandomReal[ExponentialDistribution[1], 10], {10}];
DistributionChart[data, ChartStyle -> 47,
 ChartElementFunction -> "PointDensity"]

with an X-axis which is either a number (e.g. day of the year) or even
better a date. I would anticipate that this can be achieved either
playing around with the ChartLabel[] function or (more generally)
using the PlotMarker[] functionality as this would allow the
superposition of several time series, but I've made little progress

Your help would be much appreciated.


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