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Re: Sorting into bins

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg119668] Re: Sorting into bins
  • From: Dana DeLouis <dana.del at>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 00:07:04 -0400 (EDT)

... I wish to sort a list of {{x,y}...} values into uneven bins using 
the x values

Hi.  Not sure, but here's one general method.

A general function that divides you x values based on size.  (I'll use 
Log10, but you can use your function here.).


Some Random data of length 2,3,& 4
I suggest Sorting the list here as it makes the code later a little 

(18	592
49	1441
67	672
670	713
1318	1827
1417	1487
1437	586
1594	40
1600	1908
1786	1564



As you see, the bins are based on digit lengths of 2, 3 or 4.
You'll have to think of your own function here.

= = = = = = = = = =
HTH  : >)
Dana DeLouis
8.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (November 6, 2010)

On Jun 15, 7:19 am, Hugh Goyder <h.g.d.goy... at> wrote:
> I wish to sort a list of {{x,y}...} values into uneven bins using the
> x values to locate the bin but have the bins contain the y values.
> This seems like an application for BinLists but it only seems to work
> on a list of x values. The motivation is to give a spectra in terms of
> 1/3 octaves which is a standard presentation in acoustics. Below I
> construct the bin center frequencies cf, the bin boundaries bb and
> generate a time history th,  spectra, yy and corresponding frequencies
> xx. How do I then sort the list into my bins?
> Thanks
> Hugh Goyder
> cf = Table[(1/100.) Round[100 (1000/1024) 2^n], {n, 1, 15, 1/3}];
> bb = Table[Sqrt[cc[[i]]*cc[[i + 1]]], {i, 1, Length[cc] - 1}];
> sr = 60000.;
> th = Table[y, {y, 0, 1, 1/sr}]; n = Length[th];
> yy = Take[
>    Fourier[th, FourierParameters -> {1, -1}], {1, Ceiling[n/2]}];
> xx = Table[f, {f, 0, sr/2, sr/n}];
> data = Transpose[{xx, yy}];

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