MathGroup Archive 2011

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OT: structure of threads

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg117719] OT: structure of threads
  • From: Peter Pein <petsie at>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 04:13:18 -0500 (EST)

I observe that in this - as in some other groups - it is not easy to 
follow threads though "sorting by threads" is activated in my 
Thunderbird. Often I miss a later answer to a question and it is 
embarrassing to tell an answer which has been given but not read (by me) 
because there are dozens of other unsorted topics between the OP and my 

Dear members, if your newsreader has an option "reply", please use it; 
and for new topics use "new message" or whatever your client has named 
this function.

I see some answers landing in a tree structure that makes following 
threads easy. But most are sorted by date.

Thanks for making reading, answering and helping easier,

  • Prev by Date: Re: Fit Gaussian function to histogram
  • Next by Date: Re: Why Mathematica does not issue a warning when the calculations
  • Previous by thread: Re: Parallelize a sequence of NDSolve's
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