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Re: Assembling PDFs into a PDF document?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121208] Re: Assembling PDFs into a PDF document?
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2011 04:13:31 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

On 9/3/11 at 5:55 PM, siegman at (AES) wrote:

>I guess I'm surprised at the answers I've gotten to this query --
>thus far, anyway -- which basically say, "You gotta do this by

You have mis-interpreted the responses you have received. It
isn't "you gotta do this by hand". Instead, people are telling
you unless you are doing this often or have a very large number
of files, it is easier/more efficient to do this by hand.

>All I want to do is, in essence, import a bunch of files; concatenate
>'em (without in any way opening, "reading" or in any way processing
>them); and re-export the concatenated file.

There are a variety of third party apps available for the Mac
that will do just this. Many are free or minimal cost.

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