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Re: Assembling PDFs into a PDF document?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121206] Re: Assembling PDFs into a PDF document?
  • From: AES <siegman at>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2011 04:13:09 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <j3u7q8$a7p$>

In article <j3u7q8$a7p$1 at>,
 Themis Matsoukas <tmatsoukas at> wrote:

> Hi AES, 
> This solution cheats because it uses latex to do the  real job. However, it 
> does use mathematica to assemble the latex code. To use it: 

Thanks very much -- but here's an even simpler way, using just Plain 
TeX and TeXShop, without needing to bring Mathematica into the picture 
at all. 

%   To insert a centered PDF image in TeXShop

   \null \vfill 
            width xx in {my_pdf_file_name.pdf} 
      \pdflastximage }

where xx is the width in inches you want the PDF image to occupy on 
the page.

Just write a TeX preamble that sets the various pdf page size,shape 
and margin parameters, then insert a bunch of these \pageinserts, one 
per file.

Better yet, macro-ize the above coding, then call the macro repeatedly 
on the list of file names.

I've just checked this on a simple three-PDF example.  Each PDF file 
in the three-page output document seems to have been captured with 
full vector coding of the image preserved; each page can be 
individually opened and edited in Illustrator if one wants to.

TeXShop and complete installation of TeX Live of course available as 
MacTeX from TUG; be sure to join TUG to support this.

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