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getting data written to notebook to look nice

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121286] getting data written to notebook to look nice
  • From: Phil Hammond <phil at>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 05:41:08 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

With the command:

 ToBoxes[Row[{probNum, OutputForm[".  "],
    HoldForm @@ {expr} /. List -> Plus}]]]

I am getting the following to appear in the nbQuiz notebook:

1.  x - 5y + 5x + 2y + 6x

which is actually the text I want. What's actually there, apparently,

Row[{1, OutputForm[".  "], \!\(\*
RowBox[{"x", "-",
RowBox[{"5", " ", "y"}], "-",
RowBox[{"5", " ", "x"}], "+",
RowBox[{"2", " ", "y"}], "+",
RowBox[{"6", " ", "x"}]}],

But it looks crummy. Question: how do I make it look like math a la

A broader question: I've been making my high school math tests &
quizzes (up through Calculus) for years using LaTeX and am trying to
convert to Mathematica where I think I can generate multiple versions
with solutions, plots, and so on. However this is going very slowly; a
few hours just to get the next tiny step. Is there a Mathematica
reference that is oriented rather specifically toward what I'm trying
to do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

P Hammond

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