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Re: Texture in version 8, fine, but don't export...?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121568] Re: Texture in version 8, fine, but don't export...?
  • From: Roger Bagula <roger.bagula at>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 06:09:08 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <j44jpj$8vb$> <>

Here is a Graphics3D based texture that closes  off the Asteriod
from view:
Clear[x1, y1, z1, g1, g, ga, gb, t, p, d, a, surface]
x1 = Cos[t]^3*Sin[p];
y1 = Sin[t]^3*Sin[p];
z1 = Cos[p];
w1 = {x1, z1, y1};
( creating the parametric point array*)
g = Flatten[Table[w1, {t, -Pi, Pi, 2*Pi/50}, {p, -Pi, Pi, 2*Pi/50}],
d = 0.075;
a[0] = {d, d, d};
a[1] = {d, -d, -d};
a[2] = {d, d, -d};
a[3] = {d, -d, d};
a[4] = {-d, d, d};
a[5] = {-d, d, -d};
a[6] = {-d, -d, d};
a[7] = {-d, -d, -d};
(* adding polygon data to the array*)
g1 = Table[
   Polygon[Table[g[[n]] + a[Mod[i + n, 8]], {i, 0, 7}]], {n, 1,
ga = Graphics3D[{Yellow, EdgeForm[], g1}, Boxed -> False]

gb = ParametricPlot3D[w1, {t, 0, Pi}, {p, -Pi, Pi}, PlotPoints -> 50,
  PlotRange -> All,
  PlotStyle -> {LightYellow, Specularity[White, 30]}, Axes -> False,
  Boxed -> False, Mesh -> False]
gw = Show[{ga, gb}, PlotRange -> All]
(*Export["AsteroidpolygonsOCTA.3ds", gw]
Export["AsteroidpolygonsOCTA.obj", gw]
Export["AsteroidpolygonsOCTA.stl", gw]*)

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