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Re: How do I create a circular lamina?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg127546] Re: How do I create a circular lamina?
  • From: E. Martín-Serrano <eMartinSerrano at>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2012 04:16:20 -0400 (EDT)
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Dear Mr. Nowak

Yes sir, it is a surprising remark.

I never thought of Mathematica as something restricted to academics or to
the academic community.
On the contrary, and fortunately, I always thought of Mathematica as
something actually opened to the whole word.

After your post, just out of curiosity, I entered the Mr. Park's web  site,
and, in the first paragraph, I insist, in the first paragraph, I found just
two links. The first link leads to Mathematica, the second leads to
Mathematica related subjects too.

Below, at the second paragraph, there is a third link that let access to the
political statement that seems to have upset you.

I am wondering why you have tried the third link if you are not interested
in Political Statements at all when you are dealing with academic issues. In
fact nobody would not have stumbled across such content if she/he had not
clicked the link, which is clearly labeled as being a Political Statement
(by the owner) which is only available to those who were interested in
knowing about it (after all, the link must be clicked, and behind the label
"political statement" none could expect to come across the solution of a
system of differential equations).

Important, I don`t recall Mr. Park making any political statement at

Also, why did the moderator let the Mr. Park's posting through if it was
about other than Mathematica?

Kind regards

E. Martin-Serrano

-----Mensaje original-----
De: roby [mailto:roby.nowak at]
Enviado el: jueves, 02 de agosto de 2012 10:53
Para: mathgroup at
Asunto: Re: How do I create a circular lamina?

Dear Mr. Park

I am wondering why it is neccessary to link to ones own site containing a
qustionable political statement.
Of coure I respect your freedom of opinion but as a person with lively
interest in Mathematica I would prefer not to stumble across such content.
Such an approach to spread political belief is incompatible with any
academic standard.

Robert Nowak

> David Park
> djmpark at

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