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Re: Why no OSX SystemDialogInput["RecordSound"]?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg127584] Re: Why no OSX SystemDialogInput["RecordSound"]?
  • From: "djmpark" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 02:35:11 -0400 (EDT)
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It works on Windows 7, but what good is it? Its only purpose seems to be to
insert audio comments into a notebook, consuming a lot of space.

My last experience with an Apple product was an Apple II computer so I am
hopelessly out of date with them. I am probably missing good things but
people I communicate with and comments on MathGroup seem to describe a few
problems and disconnects with Macs, the above being just one example. I
recently looked into meeting software because this would be great for
collaboration and demonstrating notebooks - if it is at a reasonable price
and if it works. HP has meeting software called Virtual Rooms. But they
state that there is no audio communication with Mac computers. There is
software called TeamViewer that Ii tried but again there were deficiencies
with Macs. It wasn't possible to drop files that a Mac user could pick up.
All my attempts were with Mac users and only one of them was successful. In
the others the software either crashed or there was annoying delayed
reverberation with the audio.

David Park
djmpark at 

From: David Reiss [mailto:dbreiss at] 

Does anyone have any insight as to why


is not implemented on the OSX platform?

Is it because there is no sound recording API for OSX?  I don't know that
there is not a sound recording API for OSX, just wondering if none
exists....  If none exists, Id find that odd....

Any nights appreciated.


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