How to make fitting code using NDSolve?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg127761] How to make fitting code using NDSolve?
- From: JYeom <cygnis at>
- Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 04:14:27 -0400 (EDT)
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Hello, I am trying to fit some basic data to a partial differential equation- here are the data points: data = { {2.113, 2.915*^-7}, {2.256, 2.758*^-7}, {2.303, 2.567*^-7}, {2.493, 2.343*^-7}, {2.635, 2.085*^-7}, {2.825, 1.838*^-7}, {3.015, 1.614*^-7}, {3.205, 1.412*^-7}, {3.538, 1.199*^-7}, {3.775, 1.03*^-7}, {4.108, 8.173*^-8}, {4.487, 6.266*^-8}, {4.915, 4.695*^-8}, {5.295, 3.349*^-8}, {5.912, 2.34*^-8}, {6.672, 1.554*^-8}, {7.527, 7.692*^-9}, {8.524, 5.448*^-9}, {9.426, 4.326*^-9}, {10.23, 3.205*^-9}, {10.99, 2.083*^-9}, {11.99, -1.608*^-10} } And there are four parameters to fit in our fitting equation: model[ka_?NumberQ, kr_?NumberQ, kd_?NumberQ, kb_?NumberQ] := (model[ka, kr, kd, kb] = First[Subscript[Dye, 0] /. NDSolve[{ Derivative[1][Subscript[Dye, 0]][ t] ==\[VeryThinSpace]-ka Subscript[Dye, 0][t] + kr Subscript[Dyes, 0][t], Subscript[Dye, 0][0] == 1.22 10^-6, Derivative[1][Subscript[Dye, 1]][ t] == -ka Subscript[Dye, 1][t] + kr Subscript[Dyes, 1][t], Subscript[Dye, 1][0] == 0, Derivative[1][Subscript[Dyes, 0]][t] == ka Subscript[Dye, 0][t] - kr Subscript[Dyes, 0][t] - kd Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[Dyes, 0][t] - kd /2 * Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[Dyes, 1][t], Subscript[Dyes, 0][0] == 0, Derivative[1][Subscript[Dyes, 1]][t] == ka Subscript[Dye, 1][t] - kd Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[Dyes, 0][t] - kr Subscript[Dyes, 1][t] - kd Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[Dyes, 1][t], Subscript[Dyes, 1][0] == 0, Derivative[1][Subscript[CI, 0]][ t] == -kd Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[Dyes, 0][t] - kd/2* Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[Dyes, 1][t] - kb Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[HDye, 0][t] - kb/2* Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[HDye, 1][t], Subscript[CI, 0][0] == 3.18 10^-3, Derivative[1][Subscript[CI, 1]][ t] == -kd Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[Dyes, 0][t] - kd/2* Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[Dyes, 1][t] - kb Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[HDye, 0][t] - kb/2*Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[HDye, 1][t], Subscript[CI, 1][0] == 0, Derivative[1][Subscript[HDye, 0]][t] == kd Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[Dyes, 0][t] + kd/2* Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[Dyes, 1][t] - kb Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[HDye, 0][t] - kb /2* Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[HDye, 1][t], Subscript[HDye, 0][0] == 0, Derivative[1][Subscript[HDye, 1]][t] == kd Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[Dyes, 0][t] + kd Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[Dyes, 1][t] - kb Subscript[CI, 1][t] Subscript[HDye, 0][t] - kb Subscript[CI, 0][t] Subscript[HDye, 1][t], Subscript[HDye, 1][0] == 0 }, {Subscript[Dye, 0][t], Subscript[Dyes, 0][t], Subscript[CI, 0][t], Subscript[HDye, 0][t], Subscript[Dye, 1][t], Subscript[Dyes, 1][t], Subscript[CI, 1][t], Subscript[HDye, 1][t]}, {t, 0, 12}]]) In the NDSolve, what we want to fit is Dye0[t]. So we wrote code for fitting using FindFit: fit = FindFit[data, model[ ka, kr, kd, kb][Subscript[Dye, 0]], {{ka, 10^(-4)}, {kr, 10^(-4)}, {kd, 500}, {kb, 500}}, Subscript[Dye, 0]] However, we encountered the error message like this: FindFit::nrlnum: "The function value {-2.915*10^-7+Subscript[Dye, 0][2.113],-2.758*10^-7+Subscript[Dye, 0][2.256],-2.567*10^-7+Subscript[Dye, 0][2.303],<<16>>,-3.205*10^-9+Subscript[Dye, 0][10.23],-2.083*10^-9+Subscript[Dye,0][10.99],1.608*10^-10+Subscript[Dye, 0][11.99]} is not a list of real numbers with dimensions {22} at {ka,kr,kd,kb} = {0.0001,0.0001,500.,500.}." The desirable solution for parameter is around ka= 0.67, kr = 10^(-3), kd=1600, kb=1600. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: How to make fitting code using NDSolve?
- From: christopher arthur <>
- Re: How to make fitting code using NDSolve?