MathGroup Archive 2012

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Question regarding MathLink memory use

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg127783] Question regarding MathLink memory use
  • From: samid.hoda at
  • Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 02:26:40 -0400 (EDT)
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I have a question about memory usage when using MathLink and C++. Here is my setup:

(1) A dynamic user interface in Mathematica which displays positions of points (the points are stored in a list).
(2) A C++ function that updates the position of the points.
(3) The dynamic user interface calls the C++ function with a list of current point positions and the C++ function returns a list of updated positions.

The C++ function has no memory leaks (the process size remains constant throughout the simulation); however, the Mathematica process (Windows 7) memory usage keeps growing as the simulation runs.  Here is the code which returns the C++ computation to Mathematica via MathLink.

if (MLPutFunction(stdlink,"List" ,3)) {
               if     (!MLPutReal64Array(stdlink, pointTotalForces, dims, NULL, 2)) { /* Handle error ...*/ }
               else if (!MLPutReal64(stdlink, Sim.meanPointForceMagnitude)) { /* Handle error ...*/ }
               else if (!MLPutReal64(stdlink, Sim.maxPointForceMagnitude )){ /* Handle error ...*/  }
} else { /* Handle error ... */ }

The result is stored in a List in Mathematica, i.e., result = Simulate[....]. The points' positions then dynamically updated in a visualization. I am using Mathematica version 8.0.4 in Windows 7 and the MathLink code is a 64-bit executable built with Visual Studio 2010.

I would appreciate any suggestions.


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