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Re: Modifying Default Stylesheet

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg129059] Re: Modifying Default Stylesheet
  • From: George Woodrow III <georgevw3 at>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 02:24:25 -0500 (EST)
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This was my first thought -- a simple brute force method.

In order to make it work 'transparently', the default notebook would need to be named Default.nb. It would need to be inside the Mathematica Package (or subdirectory for Windows). This means that it will break every time there is a Mathematica update.

The only way that I know of to make your default stylesheet independent of anything Wolfram may do is to copy the base stylesheet of your choice and put it in the Library location for stylesheets, and then use the options inspector to set this as default.

I may do this, depending on how Wolfram decides to address this issue. 


On Dec 9, 2012, at 11:33 PM, Sergio Miguel Terrazas Porras <sterraza at> wrote:

> There is a quick and dirty way of incorporating the Default stylesheet of V8 into V9.
> The stylesheets are just notebooks.
> Go to the stylesheets folder of V8, copy the Default notebook and paste it on your desktop.
> Change its name to whatever you want.
> Then just drag it to the stylesheets folder of V9.
> It will appear when you click Format-> Sylesheet.
> Sergio Terrazas
> ________________________________________
> Desde: George Woodrow III [georgevw3 at]
> Enviado el: domingo, 09 de diciembre de 2012 09:00 a.m.
> Hasta: mathgroup at
> Asunto: Re: Modifying Default Stylesheet
> Here is a procedure you can use to make use of the version 8 stylesheet as the default. It was provided by Wolfram Tech support.
> 1. In a fresh notebook, execute
> FileNameJoin[{$TopDirectory,"SystemFiles","FrontEnd","StyleSheets","Creative"}]
> The result is a filepath to the stylesheets inside the Mathematica 'Package'. The example they provide leads to the creative sub-directory, but it is sufficient to navigate to the stylesheet we want. (Windows or Linux will have a different term or way of organizing the files, but the intent should be clear.) The output from this command simply guides you in step 2.
> 2.      Select the menu option Format/Stylesheet/other...
> You will get a dialog box where you use the filepath from step 1 to navigate to the version 8 stylesheet.
> Once you have selected the stylesheet, the open notebook will be using this style.
> 3.      Select the menu option Format/Edit Stylesheet...
> You will get a window that you can use to edit the stylesheet. In our case, we do not want to edit it, only install it somewhere.
> 4.      In the Edit Stylesheet window, click on the button:
>        Install Stylesheet...
>        You will be presented with a dialog to install the stylesheet. Use the Radio button to select the instal location.
>        While you can call this stylesheet anything, I named mine 'Default' so that it would automatically be used when opening notebooks sent by others who use the default.
>        Once you have done this, the stylesheet will show up in the Format/Stylesheet submenu
> 5.      In the options inspector set this stylesheet to be the default.
>        The option is under Global Options / File Locations / DefaultStyle definitions.
>        Click on the button to navigate to the stylesheet you just installed.
> It may not be necessary, but I restarted Mathematica.
> Once you have done this, the default stylesheet will be the version 8 one. You could do the same thing to make any stylesheet the default, of course.
> I believe that this method produces a stylesheet that builds on the version 8 default in the Mathematica 'Package'. This means that if a new version of Mathematica does not have the legacy default sheet or it is changed, the default defined in this way will be changed.
> There is a way to have a new 'base' default. I have not tested it yet, but tech support says it is ok. It involves using the filesystem on your computer to find the version 8 default and making a *copy* in the location that Mathematica puts its custom stylesheets. Then you still have to go through step 5.
> If you do this, the copied stylesheet will not refer to any other and will not change if Wolfram changes the internals of Mathematica.
> I suppose that you could also just use step 5 to set the Version 8 stylesheet as the default. The only downside to this is that if you receive a notebook that is looking for a stylesheet called 'Default.nb', it will not do what you expect (I think).
> For my part, I took the former step. My feeling is that Wolfram will fix this problem 'soon', and after I reset the option in the Options Inspector, everything will be ok.
> If there are questions, I am sure that Wolfram Tech support will be happy to help.
> george woodrow
> On Dec 8, 2012, at 1:27 AM, Fred Simons <f.h.simons at> wrote:
>> Yesterday I was happy to find that in Mathematica 9 we do have the
>> choice to use the old default style or the new default style. The option
>> inspector shows that under PrivateNotebookOptions we have a suboption
>> "VersionedStylesheet". When that is set to {"Default.nb"[8.] -> True}
>> (on notebook level or on global level), the old default style will be
>> used. It requires the notebook to be saved and opened again.
>> When opening an old Mathematica 8 notebook, that has not been affected by the
>> beta testing of Mathematica 9, a menu appears for setting this option.
>> As George Woodrow III has pointed out, the stylesheet map indeed has two
>> default stylesheets: Default.nb and Default_8.0.nb. But it seems not to
>> be possible to refer to the latter directly; even when we use the old
>> stylesheet, according to the style sheet inspector we are using Default.nb.
>> Fred Simons
>> Eindhoven University of Technology

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