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SendMail - HTML/XML rathar that Plain Text

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg129149] SendMail - HTML/XML rathar that Plain Text
  • From: "Ernst H.K. Stelzer" <ernst.stelzer at>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 02:38:19 -0500 (EST)
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Dear Mathematicans,

I have been using Mathematica's SendMail to send hundreds of personalized emails.  Unluckily, one can only send plain text in the text body.  Hence the text cannot be formatted in any way.  In the documentation it says explicitely: "SendMail automatically embeds graphics and typeset expressions as raster image files. It embeds sounds as audio files. It also embeds symbolic XML as XML files."  This also applies to "Body".  My question is, has anybody found a workaround, i.e. to be able to send the email as HTML instead of Plain Text (Outlook lingo)?  Is there any chance that Wolfram will update the SendMail function in the near future or would this require implementing a new protocol?

Rational: We have various lists in Excel sheets, which we use either via the MS Office package or via small programs I have written in Mathematica.  They contain a column that contains a personal note such as: "Dear John", "Dear Colleague", "Dear Prof. White",  ... depending on how well I know the person.  Sending personal emails, which do not contain the addresses of everybody else who receives the email certainly makes a difference.  I regularly attach extra files, which, believe it or not, is not possible from within Outlook.


    E. Stelzer

Prof. Dr. Ernst H.K. Stelzer
Physikalische Biologie/Physical Biology (FB 15, IZN)
Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (FMLS, CEF-MC)
Goethe Universit=E4t Frankfurt am Main (Campus Riedberg)
Max-von-Laue Strasse 15
D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Tel   +49 (69) 798 42547, x42555, x42544
Fax   +49 (69) 798 42546
Mob +49 (170) 6357 168
ernst.stelzer at
stelzer at

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