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Dynamically create Select criteria

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg125364] Dynamically create Select criteria
  • From: Jack McInerney <ejmcinerney at>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 06:10:41 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

I have a database in the form of a big list, and want to select a
subset of this list, by allowing the user to click on checkboxes.  The
example below shows the idea.  Given a list of animals, lets say I
want to select all the cats that are 1 year old, or all of the dogs
and cats.  I can't figure out how to use the output of my checkboxes
to dynamically create a selection criteria for the Select function.
Is this possible?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

data={{"fido", "dog",8},
{"Sparky", "dog",2},
{"Shadow", "cat",1},
{"Cuddles", "cat",3},
{"Cutey", "rabbit",1}};

CheckboxBar[Dynamic[type], DeleteDuplicates[data[[All,2]] ]]

CheckboxBar[Dynamic[age], Sort[DeleteDuplicates[data[[All,3]] ]]]

Dynamic[Select[data, #[[2]]==type[[1]] && #[[3]]==age[[1]]&]]  (*<--
criteria should depend on which boxes have been checked by user *)


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