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Re: export to .m using a cell command

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg126556] Re: export to .m using a cell command
  • From: Roberto Franceschini <franceschini.roberto at>
  • Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 05:43:09 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <11025450.4192.1337334425890.JavaMail.root@m06> <000101cd34ea$4ca66fa0$e5f34ee0$>

Hello David,
 The AutoGeneratedPackage option was clearly what I need to be pointed at.

Working on the .m directly is harder as this is notebook on which I do some testing as well, but I shall consider this for the future.

Thanks for the tips!


On May 18, 2012, at 7:35 AM, djmpark wrote:

> Use the Option Inspector, Shift+Ctrl+O.
> Show option values for your notebook.
> Select Notebook Options, File Options.
> Set AutoGeneratedPackage to Automatic.
> Then the first time you save your notebook a .m file will be created from
> your initiation cells. After that every time you update your notebook the .m
> file will also be updated.
> Check out:
> ?AutoGeneratedPackage.
> If your notebook is primarily a package notebook you could work directly
> with the .m file and skip the .nb file. You can use Section headings and
> Text cells in the .m file just as in the .nb file. The principal difference,
> from the .nb file, is that the package code is in Code cells, which are
> Initialization cells, and not in Input cells. You can switch the Style of a
> Cell to Input if it is more convenient to edit in that form. (This is
> especially the case with Usage messages.) You could use Input Cells to save
> old inactive versions of code.
> You can create a new .m file from the Mathematica menu, File, New, Package,
> give it whatever name you wish, and copy or write code into it.
> It is sometimes convenient to do development and testing in a regular
> notebook and then copy the code to the .m file. This is the usual way to
> work within Workbench but you can also do it without Workbench.
> David Park
> djmpark at
> From: Roberto [mailto:franceschini.roberto at]
> Hello,
> I know how to make a .m file using the "Save As" menu. This forces every
> time to choose the folder where I want to put it and the file name.
> As I update frequently my .m  I was wandering if there is a way to make this
> using a cell command.
> I tried something like
> Export["~/my.m", EvaluationNotebook[]]
> but the .m created does not contain the current notebook, but it's rather
> empty.
> What should I use to save all the cells in the current notebook into a .m?
> Thanks in advance for your replies.
> Cheers
> Roberto

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