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Re: How to lock down a Dynamic object in a report

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg128275] Re: How to lock down a Dynamic object in a report
  • From: Alexei Boulbitch <Alexei.Boulbitch at>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 23:37:54 -0400 (EDT)
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Is there a way to lock a Dynamic object so it does not respond to users?
 I know it sounds funny, but I have created a LocatorPane to organize
items in a database.  When I publish my weekly report as a CDF, the
same LoacatoPane also serves as a nice graphic of the current state of
the database.  However, the reader can accidentally scramble the Locators
or try to apply the changes to the database which of course serves up errors
in CDFReader.  Solutions that don't work:

* Deploy only locks down editing of graphics, but controls still respond.
* Publishing the report as a PDF won't work because I use cell grouping
and OpenerViews elsewhere in the report.
* Recreating the LocatorPane as a Graphic is undesirable because I put a
lot of work into it, and I don't want to have to maintain two complex functions
like that.

So, is there a wrapper like Deploy that I can use around my LocatorPane when
I want to publish it as a static object?


Hi, Daniel,

In addition to the answers of John and Albert I would like to show the approach I use.
It includes a button however. The idea is that you introduce a global variable into the
DynamicModule. Upon the button click this variable takes up the last value 
of your
dynamic object, say, the dynamic database. Later this value may be evaluated in another
cell or in another notebook.
It will return the latest version of the database. But this will not be dynamic anymore.
This is the one to publish. For example you may collapse the cell with input and dynamic output
and only leave the one with the static output.

To be specific I demonstrate it here using one graphic example from Menu/Help/LocatorPane.
This is the example I have in mind as it is in Help:

DynamicModule[{pts = {{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 0}, {3, 2}}},
  Dynamic[Plot[InterpolatingPolynomial[pts, x], {x, 0, 3},
    PlotRange -> 3]]]]

It returns a plot that one may adjust by moving four locators. 
Now, this is its modification:

DynamicModule[{pts = {{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 0}, {3, 2}}}, 
             Dynamic[Plot[InterpolatingPolynomial[pts, x],
                              {x, 0, 3}, PlotRange -> 3]

    (* The Button starts *)

   Button["Memorize the plot",
    plot = Plot[InterpolatingPolynomial[pts, x],
                              {x, 0, 3}, PlotRange -> 3]
(* End of the Button *)

I introduced a button placed below the image returned by the dynamic module.
The job of this button is to clear the global variable "plot" and to assign
the current value of the graphics to this variable. If you now type the name
 of the variable plot in a separate cell and evaluate it, it returns the
latest version of the graphics that is non-dynamic.

Have fun, Alexei

Alexei BOULBITCH, Dr., habil.
ZAE Weiergewan,
11, rue Edmond Reuter,
L-5326 Contern, LUXEMBOURG

Office phone :  +352-2454-2566
Office fax:       +352-2454-3566
mobile phone:  +49 151 52 40 66 44

e-mail: alexei.boulbitch at

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