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Re: Aligning graphics on frame boundaries

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg129441] Re: Aligning graphics on frame boundaries
  • From: James Stein <mathgroup at>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 23:27:24 -0500 (EST)
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  • References: <kct7eu$sg6$> <>


I agree with your comments and suggestions.
However, the situation is worse that you suggest.
The interactions between ImageSize, FrameSize and their associated
implicit paddings is incompletely documented,
and is documented as if the documented behavior is independent of the
kind of Graphics involved, which is is not.

By coincidence, I reported this problem here on the MathGroup just a
few days ago, showing that 'Frame' acts differently upon ListPlot and

Clear[f, i3, g, d3];
d3 = {{{2012, 1, 1}, 1}, {{2012, 2, 1}, 2}, {{2012, 3, 1}, 3}};
i3 = d3[[All, 2]];
Print["d3=", d3 // MatrixForm, "  i3=", i3];
f[b_] := ListPlot[i3, Frame -> b] // Framed;
g[b_] := DateListPlot[d3, Frame -> b] // Framed;
{{f[True], f[False]}, {g[True], g[False]}}

Three of the four results are the same size; the lower right result is
smaller than the others:
It seems that applying a Frame, or not, does not change the size of a
plot produced by ListPlot, but does change the size of a plot produced
by DateListPlot.

I seek an explanation for this behavior.

On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 9:01 PM, Vince Virgilio <blueschi at> wrote:
> On Saturday, January 12, 2013 9:51:10 PM UTC-5, Bruce Shore wrote:
>> I would like to align, within GraphicsColumn, two or more plots on their
>> frame boundaries, using Mathematica 7. Back in Jan 2008 this question
>> was raised by  Szabolcs Horv=E1t, so maybe it is answered, but I do not
>> find  the answer in the archives, only the question.
>> My question is the same as his: I have two or more plots, with different
>> aspect ratios or with different labels, so the images are not the same
>> size. I want to align the left and right right sides of the frames in a
>> GraphicsColumn. I use ImagePadding but this is very clumsy and has to be
>> redone for every set of frames. Mathematica uses, for all its sizings,
>> the complete outline of the figure, with labels and so on, not just the
>> frame. For publications the frames have to be aligned.
> [cut]
> This has always been awkward to do. Though the ImagePadding approach may suffice for many cases, it works at the wrong level of abstraction.
> WRI should consider a new Alignment option value of "Axes", "Frame", or "PlotRegion" in the Column and Grid family of commands.
> Vince

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