Re: Easy to get the audio out of sync with the graphics (Repost)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg130700] Re: Easy to get the audio out of sync with the graphics (Repost)
- From: Clif McInnis <c_mcinnis at>
- Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 03:53:09 -0400 (EDT)
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- References: <kkoelf$gkq$>
This is not the perfect solution to the problem, however the behavior of the manipulate is improved over what it was in the original question. Thanks to all who looked at this and to those that left comments, especially David Park who gave me the choiceEnabled =True/False. As for this answer I feel like one of the keys was to place the Speak and Pause statements after the graphics, forcing the program to read through the graphics before encountering the Pause. Manipulate[ Pane[Column[{Text[ Row[If[n < 2, {Spacer[160], Style[nnames[[n]], Bold, Large, Hue[RandomReal[]]], Style[" Ball", Bold, Large, Green]}, {Spacer[160], Style[nnames[[n]], Bold, Large, Hue[RandomReal[]]], Style[" Balls", Bold, Large, Green]}]]], Row[Table[ Graphics[{Darker[Green], Disk[], Text[Style[numerals[[r]], Orange, "Label", 48], {0, 0}]}], {r, 1, n}]], Speak[n], Pause[1], choiceEnabled = True;}, BaseStyle -> {LinebreakAdjustments -> {1., 10, 0, 0, 10}}], {525, 300}], Row[{Button[ " Start \n ", {If[n < 2, "", {n = 1, Speak["lets count the numbers 1 to 9 out loud"], choiceEnabled = False}]}, Enabled -> Dynamic[choiceEnabled]], Spacer[55], Button[ "\[FilledLeftTriangle]\[FilledLeftTriangle] Start Over", {If[ n < 2, "", {n = 1, choiceEnabled = False}]}, Enabled -> Dynamic[choiceEnabled]], Button[ "\[FilledLeftTriangle] Less", {If[ n < 2, {n = 1, Speak["Today we are just working on the numbers from one to \ nine."], Pause[3]}, {n -= 1, choiceEnabled = False}]}, Enabled -> Dynamic[choiceEnabled]], Spacer[10], Button["More \[FilledRightTriangle]", {If[ n > 8, {n = 9, Speak["Lets learn the numbers from one to nine before we go \ on."], Pause[3]}, {n += 1, choiceEnabled = False}]}, Enabled -> Dynamic[choiceEnabled]], Button[ "All \[FilledRightTriangle]\[FilledRightTriangle]", {If[n > 8, "", {n = 9, choiceEnabled = False}]}, Enabled -> Dynamic[choiceEnabled]]}], {{n, 9, " "}, ControlType -> None}, Initialization :> (numerals = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}; nnames = {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine"}; choiceEnabled = True;)]