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Re: can't get InputField to work inside a While command

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130792] Re: can't get InputField to work inside a While command
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 02:54:52 -0400 (EDT)
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  • References: <kmso9j$h67$>

On 14/05/2013 08:14, Dushan Mitrovich wrote:> I need to be able to input 
parameters for an a-priori indeterminate
 > number of cases.  The way I've been trying to do this is by using a
 > While statement containing InputFields, one of which asks if there are
 > to be more cases to deal with.  If not, the previously True logical
 > 'test' for While is reset to False.
 > But apparently InputField is not even recognized as part of the 'body'
 > inside a While.  By itself InputField works as expected, but not in this
 > reduced example:
 >     cntr = 0;
 >     While[cntr<3, cntr++; InputField[xx]]
 > which only produces
 >     1
 >     2
 >     3
 > What am I missing?  Or am I going about this the wrong way?
 > - Dushan
 >     [ reverse the middle word of address to reply ]
You need to realise the InputField construction generates a box only 
when it is output to a notebook (analogous to a Graphics object) - it 
doesn't evaluate to anything other than itself. This code will create a 
list of InputField objects, each attached to a different element of a 
list, and the result will be returned to your notebook as a column of 
boxes so you can change the various components and observe the result by 
evaluating the variable data.


This may, or may not be what you really want. You may want to place the 
InputField objects in a separate, pop-up notebook with a close button to 
close the window before the program continues to execute. This is 
possible using CreateDialog.

David Bailey

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