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Re: Work on Basic Mathematica Stephen!

I run the windows version of Mathematica 9. Indeed, when I start a fresh 
notebook and test e.g. the F1 functionality, it works. But I said that I 
have a lot of notebooks in which this, and other handy tools, do not 
work.  All these notebooks contain a lot of interactivity. So the 
problem is notebook dependent, probably in relation with the dynamics. 
As Leigh Pascoe made a similar remark.

With respect to Murray's last question: all errors had to do with 
Dynamic showing incorrect inconsistent results.

Finally: though I personally do not need the new functions in 
Mathematica 9, I can very well imagine that they are useful to others. I 
was not proposing that WRI should not look for improved functionality.



Op 18-5-2013 8:40, Murray Eisenberg schreef:
> Responses interspersed below.
> On May 17, 2013, at 4:35 AM, Fred Simons <f.h.simons at> wrote:
>> Mathematica 9 is very unstable. For me it is the poorest version that I
>> have used since the frontend was added. In many of my notebooks, I
>> cannot use simple commands like selecting a name and pressing shift-F1
>> for going to the help, or ctrl( for converting a selection to a
>> mathematica formula. The result is that I get the message Mathematica 9
>> stopped working.
> That's odd! In 9.0.1 under OS X, fn F1 does bring up the ref page on a function if the cursor is immediately after the name or if the name is selected.
> And if in a Text cell I type, say a+b, select it, and press Ctrl(, then it does become a math formula.
>> Last Tuesday I gave a course on interactivity in Mathematica.
>> Mathematica 9 was running on 7 platforms. On at least 5 of them
>> Mathematica had to be restarted during the course because of it started
>> showing incorrect output. When things like this happen, I cannot
>> recommend Mathematica to a potential new user.
> I think we would all like to know just what sort of input was giving such problems, and on exactly which OS platforms.
> ---
> Murray Eisenberg                                    murray at
> Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
> Lederle Graduate Research Tower            phone 413 549-1020 (H)
> University of Massachusetts                               413 545-2838 (W)
> 710 North Pleasant Street                         fax   413 545-1801
> Amherst, MA 01003-9305
> -----
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