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Re: Work on Basic Mathematica Stephen!

On 18/05/2013 07:38, Murray Eisenberg wrote:> Responses interspersed below.

 > That's odd! In 9.0.1 under OS X, fn F1 does bring up the ref page on 
a function if the cursor is immediately after the name or if the name is 
 > And if in a Text cell I type, say a+b, select it, and press Ctrl(, 
then it does become a math formula.

 > I think we would all like to know just what sort of input was giving 
such problems, and on exactly which OS platforms.

I don't doubt for a second that the author observed the behaviour he 
describes, because the FrontEnd is a GUI program, and like any GUI 
program, if it is badly designed, it can suffer from all sorts of race 
hazards that don't always reproduce on other machines, even though they 
may reproduce easily on one particular machine with one particular user. 
For example, every key down and key up event gets fed into a GUI 
program, and the timing, and hence the way that these are interspersed 
with other messages may depend on the human operator and hardware factors.

I think WRI should put a lot of effort into providing a logging 
mechanism for the FE that can record enough information to pinpoint what 
is going on in these situations, and then fix them.

To me, the FE has never been completely stable since version 6.0 came out.

David Bailey

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