Re: Problem loading full integration package on the Macintosh
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Re: Problem loading full integration package on the Macintosh
- From: twj
- Date: Tue, 3 Nov 92 11:11:28 CST
>I tried to evaluate the Integral: > > Integrate[BesselJ[0,k r], {r,0,Infinity}] > >on a Macintosh Quadra running Mathamatica 2.1 extended and got the same >answer as Rod Price<rprice at>: > >$RecursionLimit::reclim: Recursion depth of 256 exceeded. >$RecursionLimit::reclim: Recursion depth of 256 exceeded. >$RecursionLimit::reclim: Recursion depth of 256 exceeded. >General::stop: > >Unfortunately, his advice to evaluate a simpler integral first did not >help for the Macintosh version (I tried Gaussians resulting in expressions >involving error fonctions). How do I load the full integration package on >the Mac? One way to load the definite integration packages on a thin Kernel (this is the Kernel you have on a Macintosh) is to enter an integral which cannot evaluate. For example: In[1]:= Integrate[ f[x], {x,0,Infinity}] General::intinit: Loading integration packages -- please wait. Out[1]= Integrate[f[x], {x, 0, Infinity}] will load the packages. The message tells you the packages are loading. However you can fix the original problem. Find the StartUp package Integrate/mainalgorithm.m and at the top change the definitition for IntegrateG to IntegrateG[f_,{x_,xmin_,xmax_}] := Block[ {priv`r,priv`inter,z,positivearg=positivetrigarg={},trigintegral=False, $IntegrateAssumptions=sumintegrals=True,dummy=var}, priv`r = PowerExpand[f,{x}]//.{E^(d_.+Complex[c_,a_] b_.) :> E^(c b+d) Cos[a b]+I E^(c b+d) Sin[a b]}//. {(n_ z_)^k_ :> n^k z^k/; NumberQ[N[n]]}; priv`inter = (Numerator[priv`r]/Factor[Denominator[priv`r]])/.InputHard; If[ FreeQ[priv`inter, MeijerG[__]], priv`inter = Dispatcher[1,priv`r,x,xmin,xmax], priv`inter = Dispatcher[1,priv`inter,x,xmin,xmax]; If[ !FreeQ[priv`inter,FailInt], priv`inter = Dispatcher[1,priv`r,x,xmin,xmax] ] ]; If[ !FreeQ[priv`inter,FailInt], If[ PolynomialQ[Numerator[priv`r],x] && PolynomialQ[Denominator[priv`r],x], priv`inter = Dispatcher[1,Apart[priv`r,x],x,xmin,xmax] ]; If[ !FreeQ[priv`inter,FailInt] && xmin=!=0 && FreeQ[xmin,DirectedInfinity], priv`inter = Dispatcher[1,f/.x->z+xmin,z,0, If[ !FreeQ[xmax,DirectedInfinity],xmax,xmax-xmin] ] ] ]; priv`inter = TransfAnswer[priv`inter/.SimpGfunction]; $IntegrateAssumptions=$IntegrateAssumptions//SimpLogic; If[ trigintegral, If@@{$IntegrateAssumptions, priv`inter, ComplexInfinity}, priv`inter ]/; SimpLogic[$IntegrateAssumptions]=!=False && And@@(FreeQ[priv`inter,#]&/@{ Indeterminate,FailInt,MeijerG,KellyIntegrate,FailIntDiv}) ] /; FreeQ[{xmin, xmax}, Complex] && And@@(FreeQ[Hold[{f,xmin,xmax}],#]&/@{Blank,Integrate,IntegrateG}) && Convergent[f,{x,xmin,xmax}] then Integrate[BesselJ[0,k r], {r,0,Infinity}] will evaluate properly without having to load the package first. This change will appear in the next relese of Mathematica. Tom Wickham-Jones WRI