mma v.2.1 's possible bug ?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: mma v.2.1 's possible bug ?
- From: yoda at
- Date: Fri, 13 Nov 92 14:40:16 JST
Dear mma users, I have compared mma v.2.1 with v.2.0 on my Macintosh IIci(both are enhanced versions). My understanding is that LinearSolve or Solve for matrix equation solving under v.2.1 leads to somewhat strange results. Here's a simple example. ---version 2.0 gives a reasonable solution.---- ma=Array[m,{2,2}] {{m[1, 1], m[1, 2]}, {m[2, 1], m[2, 2]}} bv=Array[b,2] {b[1], b[2]} LinearSolve[ma,bv] b[2] m[1, 2] {-(------------------------------------) + -(m[1, 2] m[2, 1]) + m[1, 1] m[2, 2] b[1] m[2, 2] ------------------------------------, -(m[1, 2] m[2, 1]) + m[1, 1] m[2, 2] b[2] m[1, 1] ------------------------------------ - -(m[1, 2] m[2, 1]) + m[1, 1] m[2, 2] b[1] m[2, 1] ------------------------------------} -(m[1, 2] m[2, 1]) + m[1, 1] m[2, 2] --- version 2.1 gives more complicated solution, which can be still simplified!!! --- ma=Array[m,{2,2}] {{m[1, 1], m[1, 2]}, {m[2, 1], m[2, 2]}} bv=Array[b,2] {b[1], b[2]} LinearSolve[ma,bv] {(-(m[1, 2] (b[2] m[1, 1] - b[1] m[2, 1])) + b[1] (-(m[1, 2] m[2, 1]) + m[1, 1] m[2, 2])) / (m[1, 1] (-(m[1, 2] m[2, 1]) + m[1, 1] m[2, 2])), b[2] m[1, 1] - b[1] m[2, 1] ------------------------------------} -(m[1, 2] m[2, 1]) + m[1, 1] m[2, 2] ---------------------- When I tried to use LinearSolve for larger matrix, the CPU time was about 10 times longer in v.2.1 than in v.2.0!!! *************************************** * Kiyoshi Yoda, Ph.D * * * * Mitsubishi Electric Corporation * * Central Research Laboratory * * 8-1-1 Tsukaguchi-Hommachi * * Amagasaki, 661 Japan * * * * yoda at * * domestic phone: 06-497-7130 * * domestic fax : 06-497-7288 * * international fax: +81-6-497-7288 * ***************************************