the rotterdam programming competition
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: the rotterdam programming competition
- From: gaylord at
- Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1992 11:11:37 -0600
in the latest issue of the Mathematica Journal, the results of the programming competition at the Boston and the Rotterdam Mathematica meetings were reported. I've already expressed in this group my (self) righteous indignation over the choice for most elegant program in Boston of a pattern-matched function over the clearly aesthetically superior as well as faster functional program so i'll only discuss the 'split' function program from Rotterdam. split takes two lists, the first of which is an arbitrary list and the second of which is a list of non-negative integers whose sum is the length of the first list. The function works like this: split[{a,b,c,d,e,f,g},{2,0,3,1,1}] {{a,b},{},{c,d,e},{f},{g}} clearly, the second list tells you how to 'split up' the first list. the winner of the contest for elegance was: splitElegant[lis_,parts_] := Take[lis,#]& /@ Rest[FoldList[#[[2]]+{1,#2}&,{0,0},parts]] the winner of the contest for efficiency was: splitFast[list_,parts_] := Block[{accumulation = FoldList[Plus,0,parts]}, Inner[Take[list,{#1,#2}]&, Drop[accumulation,-1]+1, Rest[accumulation], List]] It was reported in the article that splitFast is 50% faster than splitElegant. I tested this: parts = Table[Random[Integer,{0,5}],{500}]; parts/.List->Plus 1255 lis = Table[Random[Integer,{1,10}], {parts/.List->Plus}]; Length[lis] 1255 Timing[splitElegant[lis,parts];] {2.05 Second, Null} Timing[splitFast[lis,parts];] {1.35 Second, Null} ================ the first point i want to raise is that splitElegant is really not that elegant if elegant also means it should be readable. [ how long it took you to figure out what the anonymous function #[[2]] +{1,#2}& does?] i have come up with an alternative program which slightly faster than splitFast and is more elegant than splitElegant {my dog darwin concurs with this judgement and he's incredibly picky about his code} : split[lis_, parts_] := Map[Take[lis, #]&, Drop[Thread[List[# + 1, RotateLeft[#]]]& [FoldList[Plus,0,parts]], -1] ] Timing[split[lis,parts];] {1.28333 Second, Null} the nice thing about the split function given here is that it follows a prime directive of functional programming: "never disassemble a list and then reassemble the list". as an aside: in order to increase speed i used Thread[List[a,b]] rather than the somewhat slower Transpose[{a,b}] . mathematically oriented people may find that using Transpose increases the elegance of the program further. i don't suppose they're accepting any late entries to the Rotterdam Confereence contest? richard j. gaylord, university of illinois, gaylord at "if you're not programming functionally, then you must be programming dysfunctionally"