- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: ComplexRoots
- From: akyildiz at ( Yilmaz Akyildiz tel 2-73558)
- Date: Thu, 19 Nov 92 21:04:08 GMT
(* This is a Mathematics V.2.0 programme allowing the user to numerically compute all the common roots of the two real functions f1 and f2 of two variables x1 and x2 on a given rectangle in the (x1, x2)-plane. It can easily be generalized to higher dimensions. comroots[{f1, f2}, {x1, a, b}, {x2, c, d}, tolerance] will find all the common roots of the functions f1(x1, x2) and f2(x1, x2) with accuracy correct to the tolerance. It uses a version of Interval Bisection Method. For example: comroots[{x1 Sin[x2] -1, x2 Cos[x1] + 1}, {x1, 0, 5}, {x2, 0, 9}] finds all the roots of {x1 Sin[x2] -1 = 0, x2 Cos[x1] + 1 = 0} in the intervals 0 <= x1 <= 5 and 0 <= x2 <= 9 with accuracy correct to (the default) 3 decimal digits. In case f1 and f2 are real and imaginary parts of a single function f, the result will be all the (real and complex) roots of the function f(x) in the specified rectangle. For example, comroots[{Exp[2x1] Cos[2x2] + 3, Exp[2x1] Sin[2x2]}, {x1, 0, 1}, {x2, 0, 30}] finds all the (complex) roots of Tanh(x) = 2 on the rectangle [0, 1] x [0, 30]. In case f(x) is a POLYNOMIAL with real or complex coefficients, after running the accompanying pacakge reim. m (from Maeder), cxroots[f(x), {x1, a, b}, {x2, c, d}, tol] will give all the real and complex roots of the polynomial f in the rectangle [a, b] x [c, d]. For example, try cxroots[x^3 +1, {x1, -2, 1}, {x2, -1, 1}] (Sorry for the repetitions in the output...). The output will be displayed in terms of the Mathematica built-in function RealInterval. {RealInterval[{x1,x2}], RealInterval[{y1,y2}] will stand for the root which is contained in the closed rectangle [x1, x2] x [y1, y2]. This output format is preferable since Mathematica can do arithmetic with RealInterval objects. This is a rather slow programme. Faster versions, using Secant and Newton's methods, are also available. The built-in function RealInterval is not yet bug-free. I would be interested to know if you come across any anomolies related to this package. Yilmaz Akyildiz akyildiz at *) BeginPackage["ReIm`"]; Begin["`Private`"]; protected = Unprotect[Re, Im] ri[x_,y_] := RealInterval[{x, y}] Re[x_] := x /; Im[x] == 0 Re[x_ + y_] := Re[x] + Re[y] Im[x_ + y_] := Im[x] + Im[y] Re[x_ y_] := Re[x] Re[y] - Im[x] Im[y] Im[x_ y_] := Re[x] Im[y] + Im[x] Re[y] reim[f_] := {Re[Expand[f/.x->x+I y]], Im[Expand[f/.x->x+I y]]} /. {Im[x]->0,Im[y]->0,Re[x]->x,Re[y]->y, Im[x^n_]->0,Im[y^n_]->0,Re[x^n_]->x^n,Re[y^n_]->y^n} Protect[ Evaluate[protected] ] EndPackage[ ] ri[x_, y_] := RealInterval[{x, y}] leftup[{ri[x1_, x2_], ri[y1_, y2_]}] := {ri[x1, (x1+x2)/2.], ri[(y1+y2)/2., y2]} // N leftdown[{ri[x1_, x2_], ri[y1_, y2_]}] := {ri[x1, (x1+x2)/2.], ri[y1, (y1+y2)/2.]} // N rightup[{ri[x1_, x2_], ri[y1_, y2_]}] := {ri[(x1+x2)/2., x2], ri[(y1+y2)/2., y2]} // N rightdown[{ri[x1_, x2_], ri[y1_, y2_]}] := {ri[(x1+x2)/2., x2], ri[y1, (y1+y2)/2.]} // N quadrasect[rect_] := {leftup[rect], leftdown[rect], rightup[rect], rightdown[rect]} containszero[{ri[x1_, x2_], ri[y1_, y2_]}] := (x1 <= 0 <= x2) && (y1 <= 0 <= y2) F[{f1_,f2_}, {a_RealInterval,b_RealInterval}] := {f1, f2} /. {x1->a, x2->b} comroots[{f1_, f2_}, {x1_, a_, b_}, {x2_, c_, d_}, tol_:0.0001] := With[{step = Select[Flatten[(quadrasect/@#),1], containszero[N[F[{f1,f2},#]]]&]& }, Nest[step, N[{{ri[a, b], ri[c, d]}}], Ceiling[Log[2, N[Max[b-a,d-c]/tol]]]] ] cxroots[f_, {x1_, a_, b_}, {x2_, c_, d_}, tol_:0.00001] := comroots[reim[f]/.{x->x1, y->x2}, {x1, a, b}, {x2, c, d}, tol]