Re: sequential joining of 3D points
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Re: sequential joining of 3D points
- From: twj
- Date: Wed, 7 Apr 93 08:23:17 CDT
David Louton writes: >We are trying to use ListPlot3D to create a graphic of the data points in >a list of dimension n*3. So far we have been successful in plotting the >individual points in a 3D box. What we need to do is to sequentially join >them from the first data point to the last in order to provide a visual >representation of a strange attractor. > >Does anyone know of a command that can do this? I think you want to use ScatterPlot3D which is defined in the standard package Graphics`Graphics3D` and documented in the Guide to Standard Packages. In[1]:= <<Graphics`Graphics3D` In[2]:= data = Table[ {t Cos[t], t Sin[t], t}, {t,0,4Pi,Pi/20}]; In[3]:= ScatterPlot3D[ data, PlotJoined -> True ] Out[3]= -Graphics3D- Tom Wickham-Jones WRI