Re: Series is taking too long
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Re: Series is taking too long
- From: keiper
- Date: Sat, 23 Jan 93 11:06:11 CST
The problem is that evaluating series by repeatedly taking derivatives is always slow. Most of the special functions have rules attached to them for evaluating their series expansion quickly. These rules are defined in StartUp/Series.m. Unfortunately when I wrote this file I neglected to include rules for the series expansion of Erf about the origin. The rules should be Erf /: Series[Erf[z1_],{z_,aa_,nn_Integer}] := Erf[Series[z1, {z,aa,nn}]]/; nn >= 0 Erf /: Literal[Erf[s_SeriesData]] := Module[{f0 = faas[s], t}, fs = Integrate[E^(-(f0 + t + O[t]^mterms[1, s])^2), t]; Erf[f0] + 2/Sqrt[Pi] ComposeSeries[fs, s-f0]] /; simser[s] && s[[4]]>=0 Note that the functions faas[ ], mterms[ ], and simser[ ] are defined in the file StartUp/Series.m in a private context. The above rules should either be added to that file (within the private context) or the full names SpecialFunctions`Series`Private`faas[ ] SpecialFunctions`Series`Private`mterms[ ] SpecialFunctions`Series`Private`simser[ ] should be used. With these additions we get In[8]:= Timing[Series[D[(Pi^(1/2)*(-z^2)^(1/2)*Erf[(-z^2)^(1/2)])/ (E^z^2*z),z],{z,0,25}]] 4 6 8 10 2 8 z 16 z 32 z 64 z Out[8]= {2.86667 Second, -2 + 4 z - ---- + ----- - ----- + ------ - 3 15 105 945 12 14 16 18 20 22 128 z 256 z 512 z 1024 z 2048 z 4096 z > ------- + ------- - ------- + -------- - --------- + ----------- - 10395 135135 2027025 34459425 654729075 13749310575 24 8192 z 26 > ------------ + O[z] } 316234143225 The next version of Mathematica will include these and other rules in StartUp/Series.m Jerry B. Keiper keiper at