Re: A w=f{x,y,z} plot question.
- To: MathGroup <mathgroup at>
- Subject: Re: A w=f{x,y,z} plot question.
- From: twj
- Date: Tue, 16 Mar 93 08:04:14 CST
>Does somebody know how to plot the values of a response variable W to >the points defined by the variables {X,Y,Z} which W depends on, in a 3D >grid, and then draw the surface with Mathematica? Thanks in advance. If you want to plot the surface defined by values of an implicitly defined function you can do this with the package ContourPlot3D.m which will be available in the next version but which is also available on mathsource. This provides two functions ContourPlot3D and ListContourPlot3D. If you have the function f[x, y, z] you can use ContourPlot3D and if you have a 3D grid of points you can use ListContourPlot3D. ContourPlot3D[ x y z, {x,-1,1}, {y,-1,1}, {z,-1,1}, Contours -> {.1}] data = Table[ x y z, {z, -1, 1,.25}, {y, -1, 1, .25}, {x, -1, 1, .25}]; ListContourPlot3D[ data, MeshRange -> {{-1,1}, {-1,1}, {-1,1}}, Contours -> {3.}] are some typical uses. Tom Wickham-Jones WRI