Sup/superscripts in Plots
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: Sup/superscripts in Plots
- From: Paul=Rubin%Management%Business at
- Date: Mon, 6 Jun 94 14:12:45 EDT
I'm passing along a message posted on USENET (sci.math.symbolic) which seems to answer the sub/superscript question: From: bob at (Robert Zimmerman) Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic Subject: Re: Greek letters in axis labels in M-ma? Date: 3 Jun 1994 23:57:21 GMT Organization: University of Oregon Network Services Lines: 19 Message-ID: <2sog11$3on at> NNTP-Posting-Host: In sci.math.symbolic article <94153.203313U62225 at> you wrote: > Is it possible to use Greek letters to label axis in Mathematica plots? > What about sub/superscripts? SORRY, forgot to answer sub/superscripts question: ONE POSSIBLE SOLUTION (Works on NeXT) Plot[Sin[t],{t ,0,2 Pi}, AxesLabel -> {FontForm[ "y"Superscript["t"] , {"Bold",20}], FontForm["x"Subscript["t"],{"Bold",20}] } ] Another Interesting POSSIBLE SOLUTION (Works on NeXT) Plot[Sin[t],{t ,0,2 Pi}, AxesLabel -> {FontForm[ OutputForm[ y^t ], {"Bold",20}], FontForm[ OutputForm[ Exp[x] ], {"Bold",20}] } ]