MathGroup Archive 1994

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  • From: mathgroup-adm at
  • Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 02:26:47 -0500
  • Apparently-to: <wri-mathgroup at>
  • Apparently-to: <ianc at>

> Can anyone tell me how to change a Mac Mathematica notebook to IBM format
> using Apple File Exchange.

I think so long as you're using a up-to-date version of File Exchange
you should be able to use the standard translation mode. After all,
Notebooks are plain text documents - and the cell structure is encoded
in them.

Be warned though that binary data thats hidden "inside" the Mac notebook,
e.g. images from another Mac application that have been pasted in, will
not translate - you'll just get an empty cell in the translated NB. 
In the Windows Notebooks, which should be given a file suffix ".ma" the
binary information is in a separate ".mb" file. This file isn't 
portable to Macintosh (or anywhere else). 

In summary, Notebooks that contain no special binary information -
imported graphics for example - can be AFE'd, ftp'd, email'd and
anything else that ASCII text can have done to it. Mac is also a
bit special with fonts: you can on the Mac mix text fonts within
a cell (e.g. italicizing) - such cells will not port to Windows.

 Dr Phillip Kent                  | Email: p.kent at 
 Transitional Mathematics Project | 
 Mathematics Department           | Tel: +44 (0)71 59 48503 
 Imperial College                 | Fax: +44 (0)71 59 48517   
 180 Queen's Gate                 |   
 London SW7 2BZ                   | 
 United Kingdom.                  |

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