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Re: Performance of student version of Mathematica?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg750] Re: Performance of student version of Mathematica?
  • From: falafel at (Rob "Anomaly Boy" Keller)
  • Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 14:21:39 -0400
  • Organization: Falafel Boy

> Note that the full Enhanced version of Mathematica is available 
> to educational institutions, faculty and students at academic 
> discount prices.
> I hope this answers your questions.
> Best regards,
> --Ian
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Ian Collier
> Technical Sales Support
> Wolfram Research, Inc.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Tel (217) 398-0700        Fax (217) 398-0747        ianc at
> Wolfram Research Home Page         
> ----------------------------------------------------------------

In fact I bought the Enhanced version at academic pricing.  I am a senior
year university math student, and I recently bought a PowerMac.  I made
sure that when I bought my powermac to budget for enough ram, an L2 cache,
a great monitor, and plenty of drive space.  What good is that PPC chip if
you can't exploit it?  Anyway, with that attitude, I also decided to buy
the Enhanced version of mathematica.  Admittedly it was expensive at $350
for a starving student, but at the same time, I wanted to take advantage
of a decent computer system.  So keep in mind, that if you spent over
$3000 to put together a decent computer system, $350 is not that much. 
$350 seemed like a lot to me, until I realized that the machine and
peripherals cost me $6000.  Just set your priorities.  Also, I have no
money, just a nice parent willing to cosign a low interest loan.


ps - it was worth the extra money for the peace of mind that the better
tech support provides.

"I turn away in fright and horror from the lamentable evil
 of functions which do not have derivatives"
                                      - Charles Hermite

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