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Re: - printing mma postscript graphics

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg766] Re: [mg642] - printing mma postscript graphics
  • Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 00:57:04 -0400

On Tue, 04 Apr 95 Haldun Tihan wrote:

> Dear Mathgroup,
> After obtaining a -Graphics- output, I have tried to use PSPrint, PSFix and
> various combinations and different values of each command but I was unable to
> get a print out through the file generated by MATH.
> Your help will be much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Hal Tihan,ME.

Dear Hal,

I had just the same problem, but...
I select the graphics cell, and I use the command "Print" from Mathematica menu.
In "Print" dialog box I select the "Print Select" option, and I print. (The mma
version which I have is Mathematica 2.2 for MS Windows). My printer is Laser
Jet IIIp.

The other way is:

You can select your graphics cell, and save this as Encapsulated PostScript 
file format. After this, you could print this file on any PostScript printer
or, if you have't, by any PostScript interpreter, such as Ghostscript on "any"
other printer.

Hope this help, Grzegorz

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