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Re: Word - Mathematica connection

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg858] Re: Word - Mathematica connection
  • From: heidrun at (Heidrun Kirchweger)
  • Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 00:25:28 -0400
  • Organization: Graz University of Technology, Austria

Todd Gayley (tgayley at wrote:
: I would like to seal this thread with one final note. The issue of a Word-
: to-Mathematica connection has aroused a lot of interest and discussion. It 
: seems that the mention of Microsoft brings out strong opinions in everyone, 
: pro or con.

I have another question: Are there plans to enhance Mathematica so
that I can copy-paste bitmaps or pictures in other formats like Corel Draw
and so on into the notebook?

I teach mechanics with the use of Mathematica at university classes and it
would be very convienent for me to get able to include drawings, sketches,
...which I have drawn with other software into the notebook. It's so straining
now that I always have to print them, cut them out and glue them on my printouts
and then xeroxing the whole stuff while with most other Windows-software one
can simply copy-paste and then print it.

  ,-~~-.___.      Heidrun Kirchweger          ,-~~-.___.
 / |  '     \     Department of Mechanics    / ()=(()   \
(  )         0    TU Graz, Austria          (  |         0    \,`/ /
 \_/-, ,----'                                \_,\, ,----'    _)..  `_
    ====           //   A collection of ##XXXxxxxxxx        ( __  -\
    /  \-'~;    /~~~(O) 3-d images              /  ---'~;       '`.
   /  __/~|   /       | can be viewed at:      /  __/~|-       ( \>_-_,
 =(  _____| (_________|                      =(_______|        _||_ ~-/

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