Re: Labels on contourlines in ContourPlot[]
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg1614] Re: Labels on contourlines in ContourPlot[]
- From: pehowland at (Paul E. Howland)
- Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 22:22:57 -0400
- Organization: Defence Research Agency
In article <3s85ro$och at>, immtwg at (Torben Winther Graversen) writes: >When making contourplots with ContourPlot[] I miss being able to have labels >on the plot next to all or some of the contourlines showing the value of this >contour. See the excellent "Mathematica Graphics" by Wickham-Jones. A package called ExtendGraphics`LabelContour` is included, which will do what you want. Paul E Howland Long Range Ground Radar Systems Section tel. +44 (0)1684 895767 CSS2 Division, Room BY209 fax. +44 (0)1684 896315 Defence Research Agency email: PEHOWLAND at DRA.HMG.GB Malvern, Worcs, WR14 3PS, UK. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------