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Re: How to draw OUTLINES on 3D shapes?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg1627] Re: How to draw OUTLINES on 3D shapes?
  • From: Zorro <berriz at>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 00:33:04 -0400
  • Organization: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

gfairley at (Gerard Fairley) writes:
>In comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica Zorro <berriz at> said: 

>>Hi.  I would like to draw 3D shapes (specifically, spheres and
>>cylinders) as "filled in outlines".  For example, a sphere would
>>look like a thin black circle (the outline) around a gray disk (the
>>filled-in interior).

>I don't know what you mean; I thought the outline of a sphere was a
>spherical shell. 

No, I mean the 2D outline of the 2D representation (as shown on the
computer screen) of a sphere.

>>Similarly, the outline for a cylinder would be (generally) two
>>parallel lines connected by two half-ellipses, one at each end of
>>the cylinder.

For example, a 2D representation of a cylinder would look something

while its *outline* would look like

Similarly, for a cube, a 2D representation would be
                               /     /|
                              /_____/ |
                              |     | |
                              |     | /

and the outline of this representation would be
                               /      |
                              /       |
                              |       |
                              |       /

It's important to note that I'm not referring to the silhouette (which
would be the 2D figure obtained by filling in the figure above, for


but to the actual 1-dimensional countour we use to represent
the *boundary* of the silhoutte.


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