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Re: turn off symbols in MultipleListPlot?

  • Subject: [mg2491] Re: [mg2462] turn off symbols in MultipleListPlot?
  • From: hay%haystack at (Allan Hayes)
  • Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 06:57:28 GMT
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: daemon at ( )

Mimi Lawrence <lawrencem at>
in [mg2462] turn off symbols in MultipleListPlot?
Wishes to turn off the symbols in MultiplePlot

Here two examples:
Ex1. may be sufficient though it does not actually remove the  
points Ex2. removes the points.

lst1 = {{0,1},{1,2},{2,-1}};
lst2 = {{0,0},{1.5,2.5},{2,1}};

Ex1. Makes the symbols zero size points (there are default points  
built in)

      PlotJoined ->True,
      DotShapes -> (PointSize[0]&)

Ex2. Removes the symbols

      PlotJoined ->True,
      DotShapes -> (Sequence@@{}&),
      DisplayFunction -> Identity
   ]/._Point:>(Sequence@@{}), DisplayFunction ->$DisplayFunction];
(*you could use DeletCases for deleting*)

Explanation of use of DoShapes ->..
Look what happens to ds1 and ds2 in the following: they are used as  
a functions and receive the values from the lists lst1 and lst2  
respectively: we can make use of this by choosing appropriate ds1  
and ds2 (or, as above, a single ds).

      DotShapes -> {ds1,ds2}

Graphics[{{ds1[{0, 1}], ds1[{1, 2}], ds1[{2, -1}], Point[{0, 1}],
    Point[{1, 2}], Point[{2, -1}]},
   {ds2[{0, 0}], ds2[{1.5, 2.5}], ds2[{2, 1}], Point[{0, 0}],
    Point[{1.5, 2.5}], Point[{2, 1}]}}, {Axes -> Automatic}]

Allan Hayes
hay at


 Begin forwarded message:

From: Mimi Lawrence <lawrencem at>
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg2462] turn off symbols in MultipleListPlot?
Organization: Applied Research Laboratories of The University of  
Texas at Austin

I'm plotting several curves of closely-spaced points using a  
different line style for each under MultipleListPlot.  How do I  
"turn off" the
symbol associated with each point?  I tried a zero-size for the polygon 
drawn by DotShapes, but each symbol still showed up. Since the points 
are close together, the symbol shapes change what the line style is 
supposed to look like.

Mimi L.

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