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Operator overloading with Symbol tags: Correction!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3937] Operator overloading with Symbol tags: Correction!
  • From: cturner at (A. Chase Turner)
  • Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 03:30:59 -0400
  • Organization: BBN
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

(I knew I should have eaten another Snickers bar before I posted the
previous message :)

I hand typed the previous example and mistakenly used a '+' instead of an '*'.  

This is the example using patterns:

   (* -------BEGIN---------- *)
   $NewSymbol = Print["Name: ", #1, " Context: ", #2]&
   Fee; (* A Symbol 'Fee' *)
   Foo; (* A Symbol 'Foo' *)

   overloadMe[x:Fee] := x * 10 / Fee;
   overloadMe[x:Foo] := x * 100 / Foo;
   overloadMe[x_Symbol] := -1;

   overloadMe[ 10 Fee] + overloadMe[ 1 Foo]
   Name: Fee Context: Global`
   Name: Foo Context: Global`
   Name: overloadMe Context: Global`
   100 + overloadMe[10 Fee]

This is a second example using delayed evaluation:
   (* -------BEGIN---------- *)
   Fee; (* A Symbol 'Fee' *)
   Foo; (* A Symbol 'Foo' *)

   overloadMe[x_Fee] := x * 10 / Fee;
   overloadMe[x_Foo] := x * 100 / Foo;
   overloadMe[x_Symbol] := -1;

   overloadMe[ 10 Fee] + overloadMe[ 1 Foo]
Name: Fee Context: Global`
Name: Foo Context: Global`
Name: overloadMe Context: Global`
   -1 + overloadMe[10 Fee]

Three questions:

A) Why isn't 'overloadedMe[10 Fee]' reduced to '-1' in both examples?

B) Relative to the second example, 
   If I unprotect 'Head' and specialize it so that 
  Head[ 1 Fee ] returns 'Fee' (and similarly for
  Foo), am I opening the Pandora's box of inexperience
  and leading my notebooks straight to _ell?

C) How do I overload the function arguments so that:
     overloadMe[ 10 Fee] + overloadMe[ 1 Foo] 

<cturner at>

A. Chase Turner

A. Chase Turner


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