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Problems using Compile[]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8017] Problems using Compile[]
  • From: Rob McElrath <mcelrath at>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Aug 1997 22:32:28 -0400
  • Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I wish to create a compiled function (implemented using Block[]) which takes
several parameters, one of which is a rank two list.  From the Mathematica
3.0 documentation, I believe the following to be the correct syntax to do

  Fun[scalarparam_, listparam_] := Block[{ },(scalarparam)];

  FunC := Compile[{scalarparam, {listparam, _Real, 2}}, 
            Fun[scalarparam, listparam]]

However, when I attempt to run this:

  FunC[4, {{1}}]

I get the following error message:

    "Expression \!\(4\) should be a machine-size tensor with correct rank 
	and type."
    "External evaluation error at instruction \!\(4\); proceeding with 
	uncompiled evaluation."

What does the error message "X should be a machine-size tensor with correct
rank and type" mean, and how do I create such a function?

thanks in advance,
-- Rob

 / \~|~/ "All generalizations are false" -- bumper sticker  _/_/_/_/_/_/ \
|  |=#=| "A road followed precisely to its end leads      _/           _/ |
|  /_|_\ precisely nowhere" -- Bene Gesserit proverb    _/   0     0   _/ |
| Rob McElrath (wraith at  Meyers-Briggs: ENTP   _/       /     _/  |
| School: Northwestern University, Senior             _/  \________/ _/   |
|_ Majors: PHYSICS, Integrated Science Program, Math  _/         U _/    _|
  \ Measurements: 79.8% nerd, 65% weird, 53.4% pure    _/_/_/_/_/_/     / 

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