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RE: How easy is it to solve geometry problems in Mathematica?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg9597] RE: [mg9574] How easy is it to solve geometry problems in Mathematica?
  • From: jmthomas <jmthomas at>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 23:24:08 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Computational geometry IS a big machine! If you need to find a line
tangent to Curve1 which is an ellipse and  Curve2 which is another
ellipse, you can write a standard solution in  let's say an hour.
If you need to write a function taking any two curves as arguments, you
 are expecting too much.
Start with an easy two dim problem: intersection of two lines: define
your objects: a line is either a linear relation ax+by+c==0,  or a
pair of points p1={x1,y1} and p2={x2,y2}, or a point and a 
When your procedure is written, and checked, you will have elements to 
your questions.

----------------------------------------------- Jean-Marie THOMAS
Conseil et Audit en Ingnierie de Calcul jmthomas at

-----Original Message-----
From:	Maggie Eusebio Schock [SMTP:cjs19 at] To:
mathgroup at
Sent:	Thursday, November 13, 1997 7:41 AM To:	mathgroup at
Subject:	[mg9574] How easy is it to solve geometry problems in 

I would like to solve 2D geometry problems of this nature:

Find a line tangent to two curves (curves such as ellipse, circle,
circular  arc, elliptical arc or splines)

Find the intersection point between to curves.

Is it fairly easy to solve these in Mathematica?  I am considering
purchasing  Mathematica and would like to have your inputs.

Thanks in advance.

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