Re: Coloring Graphics.
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg9665] Re: Coloring Graphics.
- From: "Xah" <xah at>
- Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 01:31:02 -0500
- Organization:
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In article <64gkei$2kg at>, phbrf at (Peter Breitfeld) wrote: >I have a problem coloring my 3D - output. I see a couple of questions on Mathematica graphics recently. I'll try to give a one paragraph tutorial on Mathematica graphics. Mathematica graphics consists of graphics primitives and graphics directives. Example of graphics primitives are: Point,Line,Circle,Disk,Polygon,Rectangle...etc. Examples of graphics directives are: Thickness, AbsoluteThickness, Dashing,Hue,RGBColor,EdgeForm,SurfaceColor...etc. Directives control how primitves are rendered. To couple a graphics directive to a primitive, you place the directive in front of the primitive. For example, {Hue[0],Point[{0,0}]} will colored the point red. A collection of graphics primitives makes up a graphics object. The collection may or may not contain any directives. Now, there are few types of graphics objects. Graphics is a graphics object for 2-dimentional graphics, and has this format Graphics[primitiveCollection,(options)]. The primitiveCollection is a list of 2D graphics primitives possibliy mixed with directives. The second argument is an optional List of options such as {Axes->True,Background->Hue[0],...}. The 3 dimentional counterpart for Graphics is Graphics3D, and has the same form Graphics3D[primitives,(options)]. To display your graphics, you use Show command. For example: Show[Graphics[{Hue[0],PointSize[.02],Point[{0,0}]},Axes->True]]. Show can accept a list of graphics for displaying multiple graphics, e.g. Show[{Graphics[{Hue[0],PointSize[.02],Point[{0,0}]},Axes->True], Graphics[{Hue[.7],PointSize[.02],Point[{0,1}]},Axes->True]}]. This is the basics of building up 2D or 3D images in Mathematica. For some of the build-in plotting commands such as Plot, ParametricPlot, ParametricPlot3D, they buildup the graphics primitives collection internally, then wrap the appropriate graphics object head (Graphics or Graphics3D) with appropriate options as the second argument, and Show them automatically. Their output is still the same old graphics object (Graphics or Graphics3D). Besides Graphics and Graphics3D, there are other types of graphics objects in Mathematica. For example, we have ContourGraphics,SurfaceGraphics,DensityGraphics. Basically, they are a matrix of height values at grid points. This is so because surfaces of functions can be so represented for efficiency reasons (i.e. because there're never intersections). These graphics objects are returned by ContourPlot, SurfacePlot, and DensityPlot respectively. If you want to work with them as the general Mathematica graphics, you can convert them into a list of graphics directives by attaching the head Graphics3D. The result is then a Graphics3D object consisting of a list of graphics primitives. Here's an example, (which is an solution to the original questioner) Clear[primitiveCollection1,primitiveCollection2]; primitiveCollection1= First at Graphics3D@ Plot3D[Cos[x*y],{x,0,Pi},{y,0,Pi},DisplayFunction->Identity]; primitiveCollection2= First at Graphics3D@ Plot3D[Sin[x*y],{x,0,Pi},{y,0,Pi},DisplayFunction->Identity]; Show at Graphics3D[{{SurfaceColor[Hue[0]],primitiveCollection1},{ SurfaceColor[Hue[.7]],primitiveCollection2}},{ AxesLabel->{"x","y","z"},LightSources->{{{1,1,1},GrayLevel[1]}}}]; For those who wishes to have complete understanding of Mathematica graphics, I highly recommend Nancy Blackman and Smith Cameron's Mathematica Graphics Guide Book. This book is written while Mathematica v.2, but there is (essentially) no difference between Mathematica graphics in v.2 and v.3. Xah, xah at Mountain View, CA, USA